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Wine of the Month: Merlot!

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October is here and that means we have a new Paso Robles Wine of the Month! This month’s wine is Merlot or as the wine man puts it, “The Pit Bull of American Wines.” Merlot is one of the wines we have been making for over twenty years and as a result we have seen the wine transform, mature and come in and out of popularity. From the days when Merlot was a top seller to the days after the movie Sideways when Merlot took a major hit. This wine is truly a part of the California wine heritage.

As part of my job I get to travel around our beautiful state and taste our wines with a very diverse audience. The best part about it (aside from selling wine) is getting feedback and having a dialogue with all of these people. Often times when I have our Merlot with me people will say things like, “ehhh I think I’ll pass on Merlot, I’m just not really a Merlot drinker,” or “I’d love to try the Merlot but I just can’t sell it anymore,” and finally (my favorite) “I’ve been drinking your Merlot for ages and I love it!”

It’s important to note that people can be easily influenced and when a popular movie about wine portrays Merlot as “unsophisticated” people adopt that mentality. Instead of letting this mentality get me down, I like to look at it as a challenge and an opportunity to set the record straight. Our Merlot is one Dam Fine Wine and it’s a wine we are proud of! When I get the people who tell me they aren’t interested I always encourage them to try a small taste and keep an open mind. I assure them that our Merlot is not a “flabby” wine and in fact is a very structured, solid wine. Nine times out of ten (no lie) the result is two thumbs up! People are almost always shocked at how smooth and complex our Merlot is. One guy even told me our Merlot is “the best Cabernet he ever had.” At first I didn’t know how to respond to that comment but what he meant was that our Merlot contained structure and nuance often associated with a wine like Cabernet Sauvignon.

I know that probably seems like an odd interaction but it has always stuck with me. This wine does not mess around and “flip flop,” it knows exactly who it is. It is the “Pit Bull of American Wines” (you gotta watch the video) and deserves to be enjoyed. In honor of the Paso Robles Wine of the Month our 2009 Merlot (which is almost out of stock) is on special until it is gone for good!

Take my word and give this American classic a try!

I invite and look forward to your feedback.



Half Way There! Harvest Update #3

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We are half way there and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Niels told me confidently this morning that we are now half way through harvest and we are on track for a smooth finish (just like our chardonnay). After the initial heat spell that had us back on our heels and up to our ears in ripe fruit, things have calmed down a bit and the winery has regained a bit of sanity.

The reason for things slowing down, as always, is the weather. In the past week we have begun to feel the presence of fall and the cooler nights followed by milder days have brought the ripening rate to a much more manageable pace. Luckily, there hasn’t been any frost accompanying the cooler nights so our grapes haven’t been at risk. (fingers crossed)

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This week marks the first of our Merlot and all of our whites have now been picked except for a small lot of Whale Rock Grenache Blanc. In the last blog I mentioned that we had picked our first ever Falanghina and Niels told me this morning that we are now fermenting the juice (two barrels) in hopes of bottling a small batch. If all goes to plan we should have 50 cases or so of this unique wine when it is all said and done.

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In the world of spirits, Mikel has continued to work away at the still and definite progress has been made. We have made some Chenin Blanc Brandy and Orange Muscat Brandy that is very tasty, almost too tasty, and it just goes to show what a little time and dedication can get you!

With October here, Harvest Festival is right around the corner, and as usual we have an amazing weekend planned. Friday night will feature a kick-off party with live music by Resination and a catered dinner by Alex’s BBQ. To view the menu click HERE and for tickets click HERE. Saturday and Sunday we will host an open house with grape stomping, barrel samples, food and live music by Soul Sauce. October is one of the best times of year to visit the Central Coast and this year’s festival will be one to remember.

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Stay Tuned!



2013 Harvest Update #2

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As promised, the harvest updates will keep on coming until all the grapes have been picked and processed! As I mentioned in the last harvest update, this is the earliest harvest on record for Castoro and that has not changed. We have even picked some of our Cabernet before Chardonnay and that is unheard of, or as Niels puts it “bizarre.” There is really never a dull moment around these parts.

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Overall, everything is ripening very well, which is mainly a result of the warm weather and stress on the vines as a result. Some years we have very large yields (tons per acre) and other years very low, this year is right in the middle. The quality of the fruit continues to be very good and if we can avoid frost or early rain we are right on track for a very tasty vintage. Some of the standout lots so far have been Whale Rock Pinot Grigio, Whale Rock Chardonnay, and Whale Rock Pinot Noir. This really puts a smile on our faces, as the organically grown Whale Rock Vineyard is our pride and joy. Niels pointed out to me that this year the Blind Faith Pinot Noir and Whale Rock Pinot Noir were picked on the same day (Blind Faith is an East Side Vineyard and Whale Rock is West Side) and they are historically picked a month apart with Blind Faith coming in first.

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In other exciting winery news, our still has been running daily, as Mikel fine-tunes our production. He has been busy distilling various Grappas, Brandies, and fruit distillates in an effort to learn as much as possible so we can eventually bring you a product that meets our high standards of quality. The next step beyond distilling will be designing our label and packaging for the distillates. The options are endless but I can assure you we will come up with something classic, fun and fitting! Once we have that all taken care of, the grappas etc will be available for purchase in our Tasting Room. We may even have a special party at the winery to introduce the still so stay tuned!

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Till Next Time,



Harvest is Here, and Earlier than Ever!

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Now that Beaverstock has come and gone, we can get back to what we do best, winemaking! Harvest here on the Central Coast is fully underway and Niels told me this is the “earliest harvest” he has ever seen. As you can probably guess, the primary contributor to this is the weather. In late June/early July we had an intense heat wave that lasted a couple weeks and really jump-started the ripening process. Since then the weather has been consistently warm and more recently quite hot, resulting in the earliest harvest we can remember. The forecast for the coming week is significantly cooler and this trend will hopefully slow things down a bit giving us a chance to keep up!

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It’s important to note, however, this early harvest is not necessarily a bad thing. We are 2-3 weeks ahead of “normal” but the grapes that have come in have been very good and yields have been strong as well. This week will be a big week at the winery with multiple varietals coming in from various vineyards, but luckily our crew is as good as it gets and will welcome the challenge.

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We are excited to introduce some brand new varietals to the Castoro line up this vintage and if all goes to plan we will be picking the first of our Estate Grown Grenache Blanc and Falanghina. You might be thinking to yourself “don’t these guys already have a varietal arsenal?” and the answer is yes we do, but Niels loves experimenting and seems to have a knack for these things! It’s a lot of fun for our wine making team as well, because it keeps things fresh, fun and gives them something new to share with our club members and supporters.

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As harvest continues over the coming weeks make sure to stay tuned on the blog and social media for constant updates, photos and maybe even a video or two! Things are as exciting as ever at Castoro Cellars (even after 30 years) and we love sharing that experience with you.

Until Next Time,



Beaverstock: A Weekend to Remember!

First and foremost, a huge thank you is in order for all of you who came to celebrate 30 years of Dam Fine Wine with us! Wow, was Beaverstock amazing or what?! It almost feels surreal, as if the whole weekend was a dream fueled by amazing people having the time of their lives. After so much hard work and planning we couldn’t have asked for a better outcome and beyond that, we couldn’t have asked for a better feeling in the air. Everywhere I looked I saw people dancing, smiling, hugging and enjoying life, which is what this celebration was all about.

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On Saturday I had the pleasure of opening the festival with my band and words can’t even express the emotions I was experiencing. The venue was filling up with die-hard music lovers and many of the most important people in my life were there cheering us on. As our set progressed, people began to move up to the stage and before long we had a full-blown dance party on our hands and it didn’t stop till the festival was over!

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Following my band on Saturday we had The Guy Budd Band and they brought the blues to Beaverstock. Guy has played our winery many times over the years and it was a real treat to have him and his band there for the celebration. After Guy, Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers took the stage and took the festival to the next level! The crowd was really beginning to fill up and Nicki’s band was full of energy, as they had just released a new album that week. I believe it was during their set that it hit me “this festival is the real deal!”

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After Nicki’s set, there was a wine club reception up in our old barn and Ryan and Rhiannon couldn’t have done a better job of organizing and entertaining the party (both days). Club members were greeted with Champenoise and enjoyed light appetizers as they mingled with each other and various members of the Castoro crew.

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Next up were the Duhks, from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada they were something special. Over the years I have become great friends with the members of the band and they are truly amazing people. Being the first “all acoustic” band of the day, some people may have thought it was going to be a mellow set, but they rocked the house! Not only was the music great and full of soul, they were having fun and it was impossible to not pick up on their energy. By the time the Duhks played their last song the dance floor was packed and most of the audience was on their feet cheering them on.

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Coming down from a set like that isn’t easy but when you’ve got Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Dave Mason up next it’s a whole different story. Dave have some of the greatest songs of all time, and his band rocks! From one hit to the next, their set was smooth, fun and for lack of a better word, classic. I felt truly honored to be there watching Dave do his thing after all these years, and the venue couldn’t have been better. To top it off Dave closed his set with “All Along the Watch Tower,” a tune he happened to play with Jimi Hendrix on the recording we all know so well.
As the cars pulled away and the first day of Beaverstock was officially over, it hit me that it was all going to happen again on Sunday and I almost couldn’t believe it. I was emotionally and physically drained (in the best of ways) but I knew I had to rally because more magic was on the way.

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When Sunday came around and day two was underway, I’ll admit I had to ease into it but the Up In The Air Band was just what the doctor ordered and by the time they were wrapping up their set I felt good as new. I can remember watching Up In the Air perform at the Tasting Room when I was just a kid and it felt great having them there to celebrate with us.

Up next was another local favorite, the Damon Castillo Band and let me tell you these guys are tight! Not only is Damon a great singer and songwriter his band is also very tight and together. With a horn section holding down sweet melodies and Damon delivering his soulful lyrics and guitar riffs it was really a great show.

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The next act couldn’t have been more different than Damon Castillo but the transition really worked well. Joe Craven’s Mamajowali consisted of three world-class musicians being Joe Craven (percussion, mandolin, fiddle), Walter Strauss (finger style guitar), and Mamadou Sidibe (kamale ngoni). This group was very dynamic and Mamadou had the crowd in awe over his unique instrument, often referred to as the hunter’s harp, the kamale ngoni. Mamadou comes from Mali and he basically invented the instrument he plays, which is similar to a harp and is built on a gourd. The sound of his instrument along with Joe Craven and Walter was really something special and just what Beaverstock needed.

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I know I already wrote about the Duhks, but they played again on Sunday and believe it or not, it was completely different than Saturday. Knowing they would have many of the same people in the audience, the Duhks decided to reach deep into the bag of tricks and play a group of songs the hadn’t performed live in years. The result was a mix of Celtic jams, Leonard’s “Ham Bone” acapella, a Bob Marley tune and some heart felt soul. As the Duhks played their last song, the crowd went wild and chants for “one more song” were spreading like wild fire. As the members of the group stepped off the stage I gave each of them a hug as tears built up in my eyes and I will never forget that moment.

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Now, the time we had all been waiting for was finally here . . . Tower of Power!! I can’t think of a better way to close a festival and celebration than having one of the best soul bands of all time rock the house. Tower of Power is the definition of what it means to be a tight band and their horn section is nothing other than mind blowing. It also doesn’t hurt that their singer has an incredible voice with a range that will send shivers down your spine. From the moment they hit their first note down to the last the crowd was going wild and the dance floor was packed with people as happy as I’ve ever seen. My girlfriend’s dad and his friend Bill came all the way down from Oregon for this moment and I’ll never forget the looks on their faces as they danced the night away. From the classic tune “What is Hip” to “Still Diggin’ on James Brown” their set was one to remember and you could tell they were having fun even after all the years.

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Once Tower of Power played their last song and people started migrating home, it hit me that Beaverstock had come to an end. There was still a lot of work to do but the festival had come and gone and so much fun was had by all. We couldn’t have asked for a better group to celebrate 30 years with us and we appreciate all of the support we have gotten over the years. This was truly more than a music festival it was a gathering of people in a community who care about each other and understand that life is about living. Many people have asked if we are going to do it again and it is honestly too soon to tell but we will let you all know once we have had time to digest the weekend and regroup.

Cheers to 30 years and a weekend to remember!

Luke and the Castoro Family.

Beaverstock is almost here!!

(The Venue) Tickets
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With less than two weeks till Beaverstock, anticipation and excitement are running rampant around these parts! Everything is falling into place and the event feels more and more real every day that passes. With that said I wanted to use this blog outline some of the updates to the festival and some of the things people have asked us a lot about.

One thing that is very important to know is there will be no Ins and Outs and seating is first come first served so get there early if you want a good spot. As for seating, you will want to bring low back chairs and or blankets to make a nice comfy home base for the day. Children 10 years and younger get into the festival for free and no pets (aside from service animals) are allowed in the venue. Outside food and beverages (aside from water) are not permitted, however, we will have a wide variety of food and drinks available at the festival at very reasonable prices.

Another question many people have asked is “Where is the venue?” This is a great question since many of you have been to our outdoor summer concerts and know we don’t have a whole lot of room! This festival will be down in our Whale Rock Vineyard just beyond the tasting room in a beautiful field of oak trees. When you arrive you will enter at the normal tasting room entrance and head through the main parking lot. There will be plenty of signage and staff to guide you along on your journey to Beaverstock.

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Now lets chat food! As promised there will be a wide variety of local food vendors and I think we really lucked out on our selection. Listed below are the vendors for the festival and links their website for more info:

Bella Pops
Leo Leo Gelato
Elly’s Sweet Tooth
Gypsy Flame Pizza
The Pairing Knife
Kun Fusion
Haute Skillet
Toro Creek Brewing Co.

If you have any other questions about the festival please give us a call and we’d be happy to help you out.

Tickets are selling fast so get yours today!

See you at Beaverstock!



Sauvignon Blanc: Grower’s Blog

(The following blog was written by our winemaker Tom Myers for the Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance to coincide with the Paso Robles Wine of the Month.)

It piqued my interest when I learned that Sauvignon Blanc would be the varietal of the month for Castoro Cellars to expound on. Way back when I was an eager enology student we had a class that involved one lecture on each of the major grape varieties.

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The various faculty members took turns and it was the legendary UCD professor Maynard Amerine that gave our Sauvignon Blanc lecture. He claimed it was his “desert island” wine because he never grew tired of its beguiling characteristics. I give him credit for initiating my love affair with this variety. Sauvignon Blanc will always have a major place in my personal cellar and no variety has more consistency in providing a satisfying glass of wine for me. Even the name has a nice flow off the tongue and not every variety can make that claim. Also, not of little import, is that Sauvignon Blanc usually has a very appealing color; they are typically pale yellow and are especially attractive when a greenish-yellow tint is present. Sauvignon Blanc has an aroma and flavor profile that seems lifted from an array of fresh fruits and to lesser degree herbs, which you would find on your table. Perhaps that is why I find it such a versatile wine and usable in many situations. Sauvignon Blanc goes well as a luncheon wine, an aperitif and with the lighter courses of dinner. Serve well chilled as that complements the leaner body and crispness of these wines; the aromatics will still be unleashed when tasted.

Enologically Sauvignon Blanc is in a unique category. The delicate aromatic characters do not lend themselves to high alcohol. All in all, Sauvignon Blanc will be lighter and crisper than the average white varietal. Therefore most winemakers choose to harvest it at lower levels of sugar content, resulting in lower alcohol and a higher acidity in the wine. These factors conspire to often make it the first variety to be harvested in the season. Most Sauvignon Blanc is fermented cool in stainless tanks, given minimal or no oak aging and bottled young, with the goal of having the varietal characteristics not be obscured. While Sauvignon Blanc is an easy wine to make, there is always the challenge of finding methods which tease the most intensity from the variety.

Viticulturally the variety has undergone a lot of study in relation to best farming practices. A few decades ago the reputation of this variety suffered from a rash of bottlings that were vegetative and off-putting in character. It turned out that those wines were coming from vineyards that were over fertilized and irrigated. Overgrown leaf canopies and shaded fruit was the source of the inferior character. Allowing the fruit more light and keeping the fruit to leaf ratio in better balance is now known to be the key to premium Sauvignon Blanc.

Historically Sauvignon Blanc is associated with the country of France. Specifically the Bordeaux and Loire Valley are key areas where the variety has historically gained renown. As if to prove the point of its versatility and appeal, it has found its way to most new world locations.

Finally I cannot help but mention, at least from a California perspective, how Sauvignon Blanc has always taken a backseat to Chardonnay. The merits of Chardonnay notwithstanding, I scratch my head at this fact and believe that Sauvignon Blanc should be just as highly regarded.

Tom Myers
Castoro Cellars

Hoppe’s Garden Bistro!

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It has been a little while since I have done a food write up and I’m particularly excited about this one because the restaurant is a long time Central Coast favorite and the food is amazing! Hoppe’s Garden Bistro, located in the coastal town of Cayucos, has been serving word-class food for over 20 years and has been considered the number one restaurant on the Central Coast!

A couple weeks back I stepped into Hoppe’s for the first time (believe it or not) and met with Jeff Tolan who manages the Restaurant. After discussing and tasting a line-up of Castoro wines, Jeff decided to bring on the Zinfandel Zinfusion by the glass! I couldn’t have been happier about Jeff’s choice of Zinfusion and more importantly couldn’t wait to come try the food I had been hearing so much about!

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Last week, on a particularly beautiful coastal evening, my girlfriend Lauren and I went to Hoppe’s for dinner and the experience was amazing from start to finish. First of all, the drive down the Highway 1 to Cayucos was gorgeous, as it was a blue-sky day with the sun beginning to set over the ocean. When we arrived at Hoppe’s Jeff greeted us at the door and took us to a table in the window with a beautiful view of the ocean.

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To get things started we ordered a couple glasses of local white wine along with the asparagus appetizer plate. When the asparagus arrived we knew we were in for a treat as such a simple dish was full of flavor. After the asparagus we moved on to the Cayucos Red Abalone appetizer and let me tell you, it was absolutely amazing! The small piece of abalone was smothered with a rich cream sauce that had just the right amount of everything, including mango and macadamia nuts!

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Now the time had come for a couple glasses of Zinfusion and our entrees! Making a decision on what to order was really tough as there were so many amazing things to choose from. We decided, after heavy debate, to share the hand-made fettuccine with smoked chicken and mascarpone and the fire grilled New York Steak with wild mushrooms and caramelized onions. Not only were both dishes absolutely delectable, the combination with Zinfusion was perfect!

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After finishing up our main dishes we took a moment to let the food settle and gaze out the window at the disappearing horizon. If you’re ever in the area or just want to go try something new (or revisit something old) don’t hesitate to visit Hoppe’s. The food is wonderful, the service is great and they carry some of the best wines around!



Hut, Hut, Harvest!

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Dave takes a few steps back scouring the field with his reading glasses on. He looks left to Patrick streaking down the sideline, carrying a hose, and Megan hitching up underneath with a bucket of citric acid. Dave fakes the handoff to Chuy, his 4 time wine moving Pro Bowler, sweeps right and lets the ball fly. Rolling down the right hash marks is Max with his steal toed boots on, he slants right towards the end zone, looks up, sees the grapes, makes a giant leap and… BEEP BEEP BEEP, Woah! What a crazy dream. Looks like my excitement about Harvest and football season is getting to be too much for my brain to handle.

Every day we get one step closer to Harvest 2013 and it’s impossible to escape the energy and excitement in the air here at Castoro. Our harvest workers are beginning to arrive and preparations are being made for what should be one of our busiest harvests ever. With everyone hustling around I can’t help but be reminded of my football days and it’s only fitting that the two seasons occur at the same time of year. This year will be Dave’s first harvest with us as Winery Manager, or “Quarterback”, but rest assured he is a Veteran of the field and will get us through with flying colors. Patrick, Chuy, Bill and Max will be back to help out as well as a few new faces including a previous Castoro Tasting Room Crew member Megan. I no longer have the pleasure of getting covered in mud, grape juice or lees on a daily basis, but this year I vow to take as many videos and pictures as possible so you can feel like you’re part of the action.

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More importantly though, the grapes are beginning to turn beautiful greens, yellows, reds and burgundies, while some of the green grapes are softening up and filling with sweet, delicious juice. It looks as if Sauvignon Blanc, once again, will be the first of our grapes picked and the Dos Vinas Vineyard never disappoints; especially with Referee Cindy keeping a watchful eye on the clusters every night. After that we will most likely see the summertime favorite Muscat Canelli and maybe a little Viognier, who knows what will be next.

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We aren’t yet sure when the first batch of grapes will arrive, but we are jumping in our boots to start another awesome harvest season in Paso Robles Wine Country. Stay tuned because updates will be coming on the regular every week until this craziness is done.

Once again, thanks for reading,


Let the Good Times Roll!

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Summer is officially here and it’s almost impossible to ignore the undeniable feelings that come along with it. Long, warm evenings, beg us to sit outside and enjoy this precious time of year, often with a glass of wine and some tasty food. It’s also a wonderful time over at the tasting room, because not only are we busy, but people tend to be in “vacation mode” as I call it and that means they are relaxed and ready to let the good times roll!

The grounds are also particularly beautiful this time of year, and when the heat is bearable, you couldn’t ask for a better place to enjoy a picnic with friends and family. Even the kids love it. While Mom and Dad are busy tasting wine and being “grown ups,” kids get to explore, chase lizards and enjoy our tasty grape juice! It’s really a win win(e) situation.

With July almost half way over, we are starting to feel the proximity to Beaverstock building with every day and our excitement is hard to contain! We couldn’t be more appreciative of the support we’ve gotten over the years and it’s a great feeling to know we will be able to celebrate with many of you! It has really been great talking with people who are as ready as we are for Beaverstock, and I can’t wait to see all of these people at the event and share the experience with them. Maybe we can even share a couple dance moves!

In a completely different realm, our grapes are getting bigger and bigger by the day and if we can avoid the unspeakables (frost, rain, etc) we should be in for a great harvest of 2013! One of my favorite things about this time of year is watching the grapes in our Arbor progress. It seems like every day I walk up the arbor I get a completely different feel because the grapes are growing and constantly casting new shadows and perspectives.

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With that, we invite you to come visit us this summer and enjoy this special time of year with us! Bring a picnic, bring the kids and most of all bring good times!

For more info on Beaverstock:

For summer events and happenings:


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